This is your chance to have your say regarding housing, traffic and transport. Make Saddleworth’s Neighbourhood Plan a plan for the future.

The Greater Manchester Spatial Framework is proposing that between 289 to 685 houses per annum are built in the area – a Neighbourhood Plan will help keep decision making for Saddleworth in Saddleworth.

It’s crucial that Saddleworth develops its own plan. For example:

  • We should ensure that planning protects and enhances the Saddleworth landscape
  • We should build the housing that meets our needs
  • We should have an environmentally  sympathetic infrastructure that can cope with demand
  • We should have policies that support sustainable rural tourism and leisure
  • We should be able to adapt national planning policy

By contributing to the plan you can make Saddleworth your Saddleworth. 

Watch out for forthcoming notices about dates for the Neighbourhood Plan meetings in your area!
It would be brilliant if you could send two or three members of your group to the relevant meeting(s) to express your views on crucial topics such as housing, traffic and transport.

All meetings are to be held at the Civic Hall, Lee Street, Uppermill, OL3 6AE Tel: 01457 876665

The Current Saddleworth Plan




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